Newly reinstalled! Art of the ancient Mediterranean. Ongoing. At the Newark Museum in Newark, New Jersey.

Newly reinstalled! Art of the ancient Mediterranean. Ongoing. At the Newark Museum in Newark, New Jersey.

The mummy case of Henet-Mer 21st dynasty 1075-945 BCE. 
Image courtesy of the Newark Museum in Newark, New Jersey.

The Newark Museum's art of the ancient Mediterranean cultures—Egypt, the Near East, Greece and Rome—includes one of the finest collections of ancient glass in the nation as well as classical antiquities that illustrate glassmaking over a 2,500 year period. The Egyptian Collection features the mummy case of Henet-Mer (pictured above), as well as sculpture, writing and funerary objects that provide a view of life in ancient Egypt, from Neolithic times through the Roman period. Unusual holdings of the Coptic art of Christian Egypt include rare textiles, pottery, sculpture and paintings. Sculpture from Greece, Rome, Cyprus and Etruria are also important pieces in the collections.


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