Egyptian male, probably Ptolemaic to Roman Period, 100 BCE - 100 CE

 Egyptian male, probably Ptolemaic to Roman Period, 100 BCE - 100 CE grey-black basalt.  Once part of a statue placed in a temple as a votive gift,  the sculpture portrays an older man with firmly set facial features.  Signs of age, with hints of bittersweet emotion, appear only in the private sculpture of the Late and Ptolemaic Period, never in royal works.  This is in direct opposition to works of the Middle Kingdom where signs of age, wariness, and care appeared first in royal facial features.  - Walters Art Museum

Image: Egyptian male, probably Ptolemaic to Roman Period, 100 BCE - 100 CE,  grey-black basalt, that I photographed at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland.


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