Henry Blundell Collection of Roman Sculpture, ongoing, at the World Museum in Liverpool, United Kingdom

Henry Blundell Collection of Roman Sculpture, ongoing, at the World Museum in Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Henry Blundell ( 1724-1810 ) was educated in the Classics in France and when the market for Italian antiquities dried up at the close of 18th century, Blundell purchased a variety of statues, busts and ash chests at auctions of important British collections of Roman sculpture. His collection is one of the few such collections that remained together over the years and not scattered across different institutiions or individuals. Many of the statues and busts represent deities, heroes, and other mythological beings as well as a few well-known Roman emperors. The collection is said to be the largest collection of Roman sculpture outside of the British Museum.

Image: Hermaphrodite struggling with old saytr found in the remains of a villa at Prato Bagnato on the Via Prenestina in 1776. Image courtesy of the World Museum, Liverpool then digitally enhanced.


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