European Art from antiquity at the Columbia Museum of Art in Columbia, South Carolina

European Art from antiquity at the Columbia Museum of Art in Columbia, South Carolina.
A small but significant collection of art and artifacts from the ancient Mediterranean world is presented in a second floor gallery of this museum. Presented here are examples of early-Greek ceramics from the R.V.D. Magoffin Collection, a large black-figured Greek lekythos acquired in 1973, the Robert L. Hanlin Collection of 4th-century BCE Greek vases from South Italy, Roman glass from the George C. Brauer Collection and a collection of 12 Greco-Roman marble sculptures donated by Robert Y. Turner in 2002. These marbles include a headless standing statue of Hygeia and 11 Roman portrait heads. The museum also recently received a donation of ancient Chinese art dating from 2000 BCE to 1400 CE (Xiajiadian Culture to the Yuan Dynasty.

Image: Roman male portrait head from the 3rd century CE. Image courtesy of the Columbia Museum of Art.


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