Antiquities from the Arabian Peninsula. Ongoing. At the Sharjah Archaeological Museum in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Antiquities from the Arabian Peninsula. Ongoing. At the Sharjah Archaeological Museum in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. 
This museum's exhibits include artifacts of daily life, currencies, jewelry, pottery and ancient weapons created by civilizations in the region from the Stone Age until the rise of Islam, covering 125,000 years of occupation. Visitors can also explore tombs, cemeteries and houses through reconstructed models and learn about the first forms of writing which appeared in this area more than 2500 years ago. The archaeological findings reveal the connections and relations between Sharjah inhabitants and their neighbors in the Arabian Peninsula, as well as with other civilizations encountered through commercial relationships from the east of the Indus Valley to the west of the Mediterranean islands.

Image: Golden Bridle (150 BC - 200 CE) found buried with the remains of a horse and a camel in Mleiha. Image courtesy of the Sharjah Archaeological Museum.


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