Our Dark Materials: Rediscovering an Egyptian Collection. Through May 16, 2019 at the Stanford Archaeology Center in Stanford, California.

Our Dark Materials: Rediscovering an Egyptian Collection.  Through May 16, 2019 at the Stanford Archaeology Center in Stanford, California.  

Although some museums like the Neues in Berlin have superb intact examples, many more are assembled from such fragments as you can see in this picture I took at the Petrie Museum in London a couple of years ago.
The exhibit presents new examination of a forgotten collection. Artifacts from ancient Egypt provide insight into experiences of ordinary Egyptians in daily life and death. The exhibit features original artifacts, stone tools, such as a ceremonial knife, as well as ceramic containers and figurines, collected by the Stanford family and others around the turn of the 20th century including those damaged in the 1906 earthquake. 


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