Cyprus: Island on the Move through March 15, 2020 at the Rijksmuseum Van Oudheden in Leiden, Netherlands

Cyprus: Island on the Move through March 15, 2020 at the Rijksmuseum Van Oudheden in Leiden, Netherlands.
More than four hundred objects including three hundred archaeological masterpieces from the national collections of Cyprus are presented in this exploration of the history and cultural diversity of this archaeologically rich island. A story covering more than nine thousand years, visitors will see Aphrodite statues of marble, luxury goods from the Near East and Egypt, gold jewelry, imaginative pottery with lively animal figures, decorated bronze kettles and weapons, colorful mosaics and a silver-inlaid king throne.

Image: Dated between 460-450 BCE, this Cypriot male portrait with almond-shaped eyes and the 'archaic' smile is typical of a Greek image of the period. However, the curled beard reflects the fashion of the Persian court as 5th century BCE Cyprus was ruled by the Persians. Image courtesy of the museum.


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