Ancient Egypt: From day-to-day to eternity through January 27, 2020 at Rio de Janeiro's Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil.

Ancient Egypt: From day-to-day to eternity through January 27, 2020 at Rio de Janeiro's Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil.
One hundred and forty artifacts from the Museo Egizio in Turin, Italy, the second largest collection of Egyptian objects in the world, spanning a period from 4,000 to 30 BCE will be showcased in this exhibit. The objects, including human and animal mummies, paintings, writings, jewelry, cosmetic bottles, shoes, and apparel, as well as a replica of the tomb of Nefertari, wife of Ramesses II, will be augmented with videos and photos.

Image: A cat's sarcophagus from the Late Period (722-332 BCE) courtesy of the exhibition.


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