Peter and Pan – From Ancient Greece to Neverland through December 11, 2019 at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

Peter and Pan – From Ancient Greece to Neverland through December 11, 2019 at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.
This exhibition will present the detailed metamorphosis and transitions made by Greek god Pan into the modern character of Peter Pan. The exhibit examines both social contexts of this transformation and investigates the changes of life from all vantage points, culturally, economically, socially and more. The exhibit includes a collection of archeological artifacts including those on loan from the Louvre in Paris, as well as first and second edition books by J.M Barrie including original illustrations.
Images (my own, not from the exhibition):
Pan closeup from Pan and Daphnis at the National Archaeological Museum in Naples 2nd century CE

Pan from the Theater of Pompey in Rome, Italy 1st century BCE

Pan mosaic from villa in Genazzano thought to have belonged to Marcus Aurelius 138-192 CE

Pan on 2nd century CE Roman sarcophagus depicting Dionysus preparing to wed Ariadne 190-200 CE at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland.

Pan Table Support Roman 1st or 2nd century CE The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York


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