Now Open!! Egyptian Mummies: Exploring Ancient Lives. September 7, 2019 to February 2, 2020 at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts in Montreal, Canada

Now Open!! Egyptian Mummies: Exploring Ancient Lives. September 7, 2019 to February 2, 2020 at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts in Montreal, Canada.
A North-American premiere, this exhibition of the British Museum reconstructs the lives of six individuals who lived along the Nile from about 900 BCE to 180 CE. Non-invasive techniques have enabled researchers to build a profile of each individual, painting a picture of who they were. Age, beliefs and the diseases they suffered from – each mummy has a story to tell. Digital visualizations will present new discoveries that, when viewed alongside over 200 objects from the British Museum’s renowned Egyptian collection, provide unique insights into how people lived and died in ancient Egypt. The exhibition will explore a number of themes such as mummification, health, food and diet, priesthood, music, adornment and childhood in ancient Egypt.

 Irthorrou, a stolist, a high priest of the temple of Akhmim during the Late Period in the 26th dynasty (about 650 BCE).  Image courtesy of the museum.

 Romano-Egyptian child with gilded cartonnage funerary mask from the Roman Period of Egypt.  Image courtesy of the museum


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