Etruscan and Celtic finds at the L Fantini Civic Archaeological Museum in Monterenzio, Italy

 Etruscan and Celtic finds at the L Fantini Civic Archaeological Museum in Monterenzio, Italy

The historical and material culture of the Etruscans from the nearby Etruscan-Celtic settlement of Monte Bibele and the necropolis of Monte Tamburino near the village of Monterenzio (BO) is the focus of this museum. Considered to house one of the most important Celtic collections in Italy, exhibits include cooking vessels, preserved food and the reconstruction of two houses of the Etrusco-Celtic settlement of Monte Bibele (4th-3rd centuries BCE). Finds from the votive deposits and necropolises of Monte Bibele and Monterenzio Vecchio as well as Celtic iron swords and thrown weapons (spears, javelins), and a large number of bronze and iron helmets are also displayed.

Additional information: The food of the dead: alimentary offerings in the Etruscan-Celtic necropolis of Monterenzio Vecchio (Bologna, Italy)

Image: Tomb of a warrior with grave goods from the necropolis of Monterenzio Vecchio at the L Fantini Civic Archaeological Museum in Monterenzio, Italy.  Courtesy of the Museum.


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