Ancient Greek and Roman Art at the Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas, in Austin, Texas

Ancient Greek and Roman Art at the Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas, in Austin, Texas.
Although antiquities are not listed directly as part of the permanent collection at the Blanton Museum of Art, they are housed with works of European Art. The collection includes not only original ancient sculpture but quality casts of a number of ancient pieces in collections of museums worldwide. You will also find Greek ceramics including black and red-figured vessels and graceful Tanagra figurines.

Image 1 - Dancing Figure 2nd-1st century BCE Bronze. The exaggerated features, such as the beaked nose, ill-proportioned head, and strangely thin arms, indicate that he probably belonged to a marginalized class in society. The shaved head with a single lock of hair on top may suggest that he is a slave. The exotic portrayal of slaves and foreigners in bronze figurines was popular in Alexandria, a major port city in the Hellenistic period. (Image courtesy of the Blanton Museum of Art) Image 2 - Castings of ancient sculpture in the collections of other museums worldwide. (Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)


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