ANCIENT ARTS OF CHINA: A 5000 YEAR LEGACY ongoing at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana, California

ANCIENT ARTS OF CHINA: A 5000 YEAR LEGACY ongoing at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana, California.

Journey back through 5000 years of Chinese history and follow the efflorescence of arts throughout one of the world's oldest living civilizations. From large painted ceramic pots used during the Neolithic period, to sculptures of camels and horses made at the height of the Silk Road, to beautiful embroidered silk court robes and ivory carvings from the 19th century, this exhibition presents the importance of fine art made to be admired during life and depended on in the afterlife.

Image: Detail of a Carved Tusk, Qing Dynasty to Early Republic of China at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana, California.  Image courtesy of the Bowers Museum.


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