Etruscan artifacts and ancient weapons. Ongoing at the Museums of Palazzo Farnese - Piacenza in Piacenza, Italy

Etruscan artifacts and ancient weapons. Ongoing at the Museums of Palazzo Farnese - Piacenza in Piacenza, Italy.
Housed in a palace constructed for the Duke of Piacenza in 1556, the Archaeological Museum's star attraction is the "Piacenza Liver", an Etruscan bronze of a liver with Etruscan writing that was possibly used for haruspicy or divination by the reading of animals entrails. The Museum of Ancient Weapons displays 400 antique weapons and armors collected by the Piacentine nobleman Antonio Parma. There are also galleries featuring 14th-17th century paintings, 14th-15th century sculptures and a museum of coaches.

Image: A bronze reproduction of the so-called "Liver of Piacenza", an animal liver engraved with the Etruscan names of the deities connected to each part of the organ. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons contributor Lokilech.


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