Pompeii Virtual Walk: Part 1 of the 4th 30-minute segment

This segment of the Pompeii Virtual Walk video includes the House of the Dioscuri, the House of Adonis Wounded, the House of Meleager, the House of Apollo, one of the fortification towers, the House of the Small Fountain, the House of the Large Fountain, the House of the Anchor, and the Arch of Caligula.

As stated before, I have used Topaz Sharpen AI to remove the slight motion blur in screen captures as well as Adobe Camera Raw to adjust clarity, texture, highlights, shadows, and occasionally haze and white balance. I increase dynamic contrast and add a subtle vignette with On1 Photo Raw Effects and remove distracting visitors and replace empty skies with Photoshop and its Sky Replacement feature, changing the blend mode from Screen to Multiply where necessary to avoid extensive editing of the masking layer.

Note: Better images of the interior Fourth Style frescoes in the House of the Small Fountain taken with still cameras can be seen on Wikimedia Commons:


You can explore the Pompeii Walk video yourself here - no special hardware is required:


Arch of Caligula once clad in marble topped with an equestrian statue of the emperor at the southern end of the Via di Mercurio Pompeii

Fortification tower known as Torre XI

Structures across the street from the House of the Small Fountain

Fourth Style frescoed room in the House of the Small Fountain

Fourth Style frescoed room in the House of the Small Fountain

Fourth style frescoes to the left of the fountain in the peristyle of the House of the Small Fountain excavated in 1827

Fountain with bronze sculpture of a fisherman in the House of the Small Fountain

Indoor fountain with bronze sculpture of a fisherman in the House of the Small Fountain

Tablinum in the House of the Small Fountain excavated in 1827 

Atrium of the House of the Small Fountain

Frescoed room with storage amphora across from the fountain depicting Mercury

House of Adonis Wounded excavated in 1835

House of Apollo excavated in 1830s

House of Meleager excavated 1829 entrance with view of the atrium and impluvium 

House of the Dioscuri excavated in 1826

Large Mosaic Fountain with theater masks and cascading waterfall in the House of the Large Fountain 

Lower Level Garden in the House of the Anchor excavated in 1826 
Atrium of the House of the Anchor with impluvium, puteal, and drain to the cistern

Mosaics in the Fauces (Entrance) to the House of the Anchor excavated in 1826 

Public fountain depicting the god Mercury along the Via di Mercurio


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