Dog, Cat, and Mouse - Animals in Everyday Life and Myth in Pompeii through October 27, 2019 at the The Pompejanum in Aschaffenburg, Germany.

Dog, Cat, and Mouse - Animals in Everyday Life and Myth in Pompeii through October 27, 2019 at the The Pompejanum in Aschaffenburg, Germany.
Animals have always accompanied humans. They were first hunted by him and later domesticated as livestock to eventually become a pet - the everyday companion. This exhibit illuminates the relationship between humans and animals in antiquity on the basis of outstanding objects from the collections of the Munich Antikensammlungen. Note: The Pompejanum is a replica of the House of Castor and Pollux (also called the House of the Dioscuri) in Pompeii. It was originally commissioned by King Ludwig I and constructed in the 1840s. Although it was damaged during World War II, it was rebuilt in the 1960s.

Image: Statue of a Satyr in the Ala of the Pompejanum, a replica of the House of the Dioscuri in Pompeii courtesy of Wikimedia Commons contributor Lutz Hartmann.


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