Ships' rams, armor, and relics from the First Punic War's Battle of the Aegates (also called Egadi) on display at the Favignana Museum in Favignana, Sicily

Ships' rams, armor, and relics from the First Punic War's Battle of the Aegates (also called Egadi) on display at the Favignana Museum in Favignana, Sicily. 

The Battle of the Aegates (also known as the Battle of the Egadi Islands) was the last major naval encounter fought between the Mediterranean powers of Carthage and the Roman Republic, in circa 241 BCE.  Locating the site of this famous ancient naval battle had been a long held dream of underwater archaeologists. Then, members of the Egadi project uncovered a treasure trove of bronze rostra (ship's rams), war helmets of the Montefortino type used by the Roman legions, and other relics off the northwest coast of Levanzo Island at a depth of about 260 feet over a ten-year period beginning in 2005.  These finds are displayed in the Ex Stabilimento Florio delle Tonnare di Favignana e Formica (a tuna fish processing plant for the islands of Favignana and Formica.  The museum also presents an immersive 3D film that takes viewers into the heart of the battle.


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