Rome's Legions through November 3, 2019 at the Kalkriese Archaeological Park in Bramsche-Kaldriese, Germany

Rome's Legions through November 3, 2019 at the Kalkriese Archaeological Park and Museum in Bramsche-Kaldriese, Germany.
What did the everyday life of a Roman legionary look like? How long were his day marches, where did he sleep, what was on his menu and how much baggage did he carry? Answers to these and other questions can be found in the special exhibition "Rome's Legions", which will be presented at the Kalkriese Museum and Park. The exhibit illustrates life in the Roman army through dioramas and thousands of hand-painted tin legionaries, who show a vivid picture of the everyday life of Roman legionaries in the first centuries CE. There are numerous hands-on stations, where large and small legionaries alike can put on an original-made armor, train on the pole or grind their own grain ration.

Image: Artist's renderings of Roman legionaries in the first centuries CE courtesy of the Mules of Marius exhibit company.


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