Finds from the ancient town of Noviodunum at the Musee Romain Nyon in Nyon, Switzerland

Finds from the ancient town of Noviodunum at the Musee Romain Nyon in Nyon, Switzerland. 

Around 45 BC, a little after the conquest of Gaul, the Romans founded the Colonia Iulia Equestris on the shores of Lake Geneva.  The colony, was constructed for the mounted veterans of Caesar's army and is slightly older than the two nearby colonies of Lyon (Copia Felix Munatia Lugdunensis) and Augst (Colonia Raurica) near Basel, also founded just after the Gallic Wars.  Excavations beginning in the 19th century have revealed the forum, the public baths, a food market, a large basillica, an amphitheater, a commercial district, and a necropolis.

Image:  Sculpture of a child from ancient Noviodunum courtesy of the Musee Romain Nyon.


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