Uncovering Ancient Mexico: The Mystery of Tlatilco. Through December 31, 2018 at the Riverside Art Museum in Riverside, California.

Uncovering Ancient Mexico: The Mystery of Tlatilco. Through December 31, 2018 at the Riverside Art Museum in Riverside, California.

Ancient Tlatilco figurine. Middle Pre-Classic period, 1200 BCE to 200 BCE. Image courtesy of the Riverside Art Museum in Riverside, California.

Olmec and Tlatilco civilizations existed about the same time in different regions of México. In the 1930s, workers mining clay in a México City brickyard accidentally discovered buried Tlatilco treasures, many of which are on public view for the first time. The Riverside exhibit includes ceramic figurines, vessels, seals, and other rare Tlatilco objects.


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