Roman and Etruscan Art. Ongoing at the Princeton University Art Museum in Princeton, New Jersey.

Roman and Etruscan Art. Ongoing at the Princeton University Art Museum in Princeton, New Jersey.

Head of a youth in severizing style, third quarter of 1st century B.C.
Image courtesy of the Princeton University Art Museum.

Beginning with a distinguished collection of Etruscan vases, sculptures, and metalwork, this collection encompasses marble and bronze portraits, sculptures of gods, satyrs, and nymphs, sarcophagi and funerary monuments, glass vessels and carved bone reliefs, silver and gold coins, sealstones of agate and chalcedony, statuettes in bronze, amber, ivory, and clay, and a spectacular silver-gilt wine cup. Princeton’s distinguished record of archaeological research in Roman Syria is illustrated by unusual basalt sculptures from the Hauran region, funerary reliefs from the desert city of Palmyra, and a renowned collection of colorful mosaic pavements from the great metropolis of Antioch-on-the-Orontes.


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