Iron Age burials of Keltenmuseum. Ongoing. At the Keltenmuseum in Hallein, Austria near Salzburg

Iron Age burials of Keltenmuseum.  Ongoing.  At the Keltenmuseum in Hallein, Austria near Salzburg, 

Reconstructed chariot found in Grave 44 of the excavations around the salt min at Dürrnberg, Austria. Image courtesy of Wolfgang Sauber, Wikimedia Commons.
Collections include the grave goods of a  'princely' warrior buried with a wooden jug that had bronze mounts, one of which is the stylised Celtic head which is used as the logo of the Keltenmuseum, a spouted bronze pilgrim flask, and a bucket shaped vessel which contained an Athenian pottery kylix dated to around 470BCE. At the feet of this warrior was his pointed bronze helmet, of typical La Tène type, an Iron sword, a bow and arrow and three lances as well as a small gold model of a boat with two oars symbolic of the journey to the afterlife.  Other items on display from other La Tène type burials include amber jewelry, Celtic bronze vessels, and reconstructed chariots.


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